Monday, October 22, 2007

E-Learning: The Anytime, Anywhere Option

E-Learning classes sound fun.. but wouldn't you think it might be a little too hard especially if your in high school??? i would, but these kids talk about it like it don't bother them at all. they could take college classes online and get college credit for it. and still doing the work in their own regular class room and school. there is about 3 million people who are taking classes on the computer. i would say more than half of these people are only in high school. you could log on at any time and you can do it at your own pace. sounds like a dream. this could be for anyone. but its really not if you get distracted easily. well thats me. or if you don't have a computer that does not have internet or high-speed connection.
you get graded on the courses you take the homework you turn in and the time you spend on it everyday. in some school you may have to pay tuition. when you do get out of high school and go to the college you took online courses from those credits do apply when you do start. would you like to meet you instructor in person? well in some schools you will never find out who was you instructor. would taking online courses make you life so much easier? i mean doing things at your own pace and getting credit for what you do. i like the sound of it all ready.

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