Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Resume 101

when you get a job, most likely in a hospital, school, or any where that matters.... they will ask you for your resume. a resume is like a binder with all your stuff in it about you. not like a book where it tells about your family or your early childhood. it has school related stuff like your high school graduation certificate, high school diploma, awards, just things like that. when your in Jr. high you should take advantage of what you get and make a resume.
have some kind of leadership program you could join or some thing like that. for example student council is a good leadership program. you could be in sports, just to let them know that what you did do it did not disturb you from doing other work. well plus a resume would help you with your school work as well. you know you could do other things and you know you want to go to college after you graduate high school...right? well you could send the college a resume and they just might give you some kind of scholar ship. well a resume is a big thing and its really good to have for the future.